The codes and regulations governing chimneys and fireplaces in Texas

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How often do you get your chimney cleaned/ repaired?

  • Annually
  • Twice a year
  • Never

The Texas State Fire Marshal’s Office is responsible for the enforcement of the Texas Fire Code, which includes regulations related to chimneys and fireplaces.

A chimney sweep and a Texas State Fire Marshal's Office logo
I’m ready to sweep Texas clean of any fire hazards!

The code requires that all chimneys and fireplaces be constructed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and approved by a qualified professional. Additionally, all chimneys and fireplaces must be inspected and maintained on a regular basis to ensure they are in safe working condition.

The code also requires that all chimneys and fireplaces be equipped with a spark arrestor, which is designed to prevent sparks from escaping the chimney or fireplace.

Finally, the code requires that all chimneys and fireplaces be equipped with a carbon monoxide detector to alert occupants of dangerous levels of the gas.

What is carbon monoxide?

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that is produced when fuels such as natural gas, gasoline, kerosene, wood, and charcoal are burned. It is a toxic gas that can cause serious health problems and even death if inhaled in large amounts. Carbon monoxide is produced when fuel is not burned completely, and can accumulate in enclosed or poorly ventilated spaces. or poorly ventilated spaces.

If you need help with the inspection and maintenance of your chimney or fireplace, please contact us to make an appointment.

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& FULL INSPECTION (737) 206 6299

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